Why should your club invest in Superior Enclosure’s golf cart enclosures?
The true value is in those days that the weather is questionable, with the threat of rain, this is a monetary game changer in terms of profitability for the course. We all know that golfers are dedicated to playing golf; we love the game! Golfers will play in almost any condition but no one likes being wet, especially wet and cold! All across the nation we have rain fronts that move through and if a golfer is wet, they aren’t going into the clubhouse to eat and drink; rather, they are heading home to get out of their wet clothes! We have heard from so many golf courses that they have given out numerous rain checks only to have the weather change in just a short time. In all areas around the nation, we deal with rain or cold at some period of time in the year. Now with this new product that takes seconds to put into use or into storage, weather doesn’t have to negatively affect a golfer, nor the profitability of the Club. Our product is made with the finest materials available, ensuring quality and durability. These enclosures will pay for themselves and then quickly start to provide a return on the initial investment. By having these enclosures, the Club can also enjoy the financial benefits by the increased volume in your food and beverage services, along with giving less rain checks! It will also have added comfort, and an extended season.